From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Making adjustments for large screens

Making adjustments for large screens - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Making adjustments for large screens

- So now we're going to add additional media queries into our CSS file. You're going to change the pixel dimensions at which you make changes, which is typically referred to as a break point, based on your design. So if I come in here to the design and I collapse this down, I'm going to start running into a problem when the navigation up here starts to wrap and when my hero text starts to collide with the background image. So now to figure out what this particular space is, you can take a screenshot and measure this in a graphics program. If you have a screenshot utility, on the MacIntosh if I hit command option Shift+4 for example, I'll get a cross-hair where I can click and drag and see numbers on there. Or another option is to use an inspection tool that might be included with your browser. Firefox has some plug-ins that you can install, Chrome, Safari and Explorer all have inspection tools that are built in. So to see how I might use an inspection tool, I can right-click, choose…
