From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Displaying URLS when printing

Displaying URLS when printing - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Displaying URLS when printing

- Now we are going to take all of the anchor links in the page, and we are going to display the URL that they point to in the page. So if somebody prints this page they can see the URL's for all of the anchor links inside a parenthesis. So let's go back to our .CSS file. I am going to scroll up here a little bit, I'm going to put this rule up here after the "a, a:visited". We are going to use Pseudo-Elements for this technique as well. We are going to start with an anchor tag two colons, type in the word "after" to add our pseudo-element, then a comma and a space. We are going to target the regular links and the visited links, so "a:visited", this is the pseudo class two colons, add a pseudo-element then we will put in our brackets. I'll split this open a little bit with the comma we are targeting two individual items. We are going to start with our content. Now what we are going to do here is we are going to put two tick marks then a semicolon. This is basically the content we are…
