From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Creating the button style

Creating the button style - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Creating the button style

Now, we'll create a rule so that our anchor links that are classed with the .btn style will look like buttons. Now, we've used this twice in our layout, as well. We have one in the header area and we have another one down in our modern atmosphere area, this link here. So, back in our CSS file, I'm going to put these above this header area in more of our global text styles. So, we'll type a.btn, and it doesn't matter where you actually put this, I just like to keep everything organized with anything that's global, being sort of at the top, and then anything that's segmented, in groups below. So, we got a.btn. Put in our brackets. The first thing we're going to do is that font size. We're going to set this to 1.2em, so 20% larger than the base font. Next, we're going to set text decoration. We're going to set this to none, this way anchor links with a class of button will not have an underline. We're going to set a color of white, so #, and f for red, green and blue, so three fs, then a…
