From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Adjusting the how-to section

Adjusting the how-to section - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Adjusting the how-to section

- Now the next section I want to adjust for these really small screens is going to be the How-to section so let's comment out the section here for main and the section for atmosphere. So back to our text editor, let's go into our HTML file. Let's come in here and let's add an HTML comment before this section of class main. So less than sign, exclamation point, two hyphens. Then we'll scroll down to after the atmosphere section, two hyphens, and then a greater than sign. So with those commented out, back to the browser. Let's hit reload. Now we'll see the How-To section showing up just after the header. So now let's go back to our CSS. Let's hit a few returns. I'll add in a CSS comment called How-To. Then we'll target the div.content inside of the aside inside of section How-To. So we'll type, space, aside, space, div.content. Then we'll put in our brackets and then we'll change the padding properties so we have room at the top of these elements for the image. So I'll…
