From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Adjusting the footer

Adjusting the footer

- So the last thing we need to do to complete our design across all of the varying screen sizes is make some adjustments to the footer on these small screens. So let's go back to our text editor. Let's go back to our HTML file. We added an HTML comment earlier around the section for main and the section for atmosphere. So let's come in here and cut the ending comment after section with the class of atmosphere. And let's come down here and let's encompass all of the navigation and the how-to section as well. So we'll just see the footer. So let's paste that ending comment after the ending navigation element. Then back in the browser we can hit reload. And now we can see our footer element showing up right under the heading. So now let's go back to our CSS file and let's add some rules to style the footer area. So I'll come down here and add a CSS comment for footer. Add a few returns. And the main thing we're going to do in here is set the anchor links up so that they will display…
