From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Adding graphics to the main section

Adding graphics to the main section - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Adding graphics to the main section

- So now we're going to style these heading links and we're going to bring in the SVG graphics. So, back to our CSS. We're still inside of section.main. Let's hit a few returns. Let's come up here and copy section.main. Let's add a new rule then a space. We're going to target aside, then a space. Then we're going to target the h3 element. Then a space. Then the anchor tag. So what we're doing here, if we look back in the HTML, is we're targeting the aside with the anchor tag inside of the h3. So back in our CSS, what we want to do here is we're going to set the color to black. So that's 3 zeroes for red, green and blue. We're also going to set text decoration to none so that will get rid of the underline. Now, on the next line, let's set a hover property for this. So let's come in here and copy this entire rule, paste it on the next line, colon, add the pseudo-class of hover, put in our brackets, and then we'll set text decoration to underline. Back in the browser, you can hit reload.…
