From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

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Adding content to the how-to section

Adding content to the how-to section - CSS Tutorial

From the course: Creating a Responsive Web Design

Adding content to the how-to section

- Now we're going to be adding content to the section with a class of how-to. So let's come down here, let's split open that section element. Scroll up here a little bit. Now just like before, let's review the elements that we're going to need as they relate to the layout, before we put them in here. So for this element, we're going to put the two items on the left into an aside. Inside of those we're going to put our div element. We're going to use image tags in this particular item, our h4 tags, paragraph and anchor links, and then we're going to use a blockquote for the quote area, with two paragraph items inside of there. So one of the main differences here from what we've done so far in the aside, is we're going to use image tags in this particular group, instead of using background images. And this will give you a chance to see later on what we can do with image tags in CSS, versus just using background images. So back in our HTML, let's add our aside tag, close the element…
