From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Traits and characteristics of courageous leaders

Traits and characteristics of courageous leaders

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Traits and characteristics of courageous leaders

I recently started reading a book by one of the greatest leaders in modern history, "Conversations with Myself" by Nelson Mandela. Mandela was a courageous man with deep conviction who led by example. Many are inspired by his fortitude in the face of adversity. However, when reflecting on his leadership story, many people are drawn into thinking that he was a form of superhero with supernatural powers. His stature and place in history is of such importance and significance. We often fail to see that he was an ordinary man in extraordinary circumstances, whose, in his own words, courage did not desert him when the decisive moment struck. Like most leaders, he faced fears, worries, self-doubt, and even self-judgment. But by virtue of key traits and attributes, he was able to overcome them. I believe that these traits are not only universal to courageous leadership, but they are attainable by each of us. So what are some of these traits? I described them as the three Ps of courageous…
