From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Myths and misconceptions about courageous leadership

Myths and misconceptions about courageous leadership

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Myths and misconceptions about courageous leadership

When I was younger, I used to love watching a TV show called "Danger Mouse." It was a cartoon series that regaled the tales of a super courageous mouse and his sidekick, Penfold, who would sprint head-on undeterred by fear or foe. Whilst I love this series, I soon grew up to realize that that's not quite how courage plays out and that there are many myths and misconceptions around courage. Let's explore some of those myths. Myth Number 1: Courageous leaders are fearless superheroes. One of the most pervasive misconceptions is that courageous leaders are never afraid. In reality, courage is not the absence of fear. In fact, if a situation does not invoke some level of fear, then there is no need for courage. Courage says, "Even though I am afraid, I will still do what needs to be done despite my fear." Courageous leaders acknowledge their fears and uncertainties, but they don't allow these emotions to paralyze them. Instead, they make well-considered decisions in the face of that fear.…
