From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Mastering difficult conversations

Mastering difficult conversations

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Mastering difficult conversations

Leadership brings with it a range of fulfilling moments, like witnessing your team work together effectively, or watching your team members grow both personally and professionally. But alongside these rewarding aspects, there are also less enjoyable responsibilities for leaders. One of the most significant is holding difficult conversations. Whether it's addressing poor timekeeping, challenging inappropriate comments made by a colleague, or informing a key client that a project is overrunning. Difficult conversations come up every day, and these conversations are difficult principally because emotions tend to run high on either side and the topic is sensitive or the stakes are high. Even though intrinsically we know that they're necessary, most of us tend to either avoid them altogether or mishandle them. But failure to hold these conversations comes at a cost, staff morale, engagement, productivity, and so on. But when we're willing to have these conversations, we're able to resolve…
