From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Giving and receiving feedback

Giving and receiving feedback

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Giving and receiving feedback

In the early 14th century, Italian sculptor Michelangelo produced one of his greatest masterpieces. The sculpture was called David, a huge piece of artwork carved out of marble and standing at a colossal 5.17 meters. It's said that soon after the great reveal of the artwork, Michelangelo was asked how he created something so magnificent. To this, he responded, "I created a vision of David in my mind and simply carved away everything that was not David." In many ways, that's what feedback is about. It's about hewing out potential through asking the right questions, proposing suggestions, and offering ideas to another person. So how do you go about it? Well, here are a couple of things to consider when providing feedback. Firstly, seek permission. We sometimes assume that the other person actually wants it, but that's not necessarily so. So it's useful to inform the person that you have some ideas about their performance and ask if they'd like to hear the feedback. When you set the…
