From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Fostering diversity and inclusion

Fostering diversity and inclusion

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Fostering diversity and inclusion

Whether it's in relation to race and ethnicity, gender, age, or other areas of difference, our workplaces are becoming increasingly diverse. In order to truly leverage this diversity and create inclusive workplaces, leaders need to be courageous. Why? Because without courage, we won't be able to deal with the barriers that stand in the way of us leading inclusively. One barrier is the biases and prejudices we all hold. We all make judgments about others, and sometimes these judgments lead to unhelpful conclusions that impact our decisions about those people. From the people we regard as eligible to be recruited to the people we regard as eligible to be promoted, bias and prejudice is a significant barrier to inclusion. Courage calls for us to confront our biases and beliefs and challenge them. It requires us to have difficult conversations with ourselves about deeply held beliefs that we may hold about a particular group of people. Leaders also need courage to push back against the…
