From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Cultivating resilience and perseverance

Cultivating resilience and perseverance

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Cultivating resilience and perseverance

Have you ever read a job description for a new role as a middle manager or senior leader? The description will detail the requirement to provide robust leadership and strategic direction, supporting the organization to achieve its objectives. But how often do you see included in that description that you must be resilient and courageous? Because you will try and fail. You'll face setbacks. Sometimes things won't go according to plan, and people won't do what you expect them to do. You don't read that very often, do you? Yet the truth is that on the journey toward becoming a more courageous leader, we need to be resilient. We need the ability to rise above difficult circumstances. So what do I mean by courage and why is it relevant to resilience? Well, courage is the ability to try in the face of adversity. And resilience is the willingness to try again even after setbacks. It's being able to adapt to a new approach when an old approach is no longer working. Every day in the workplace,…
