From the course: Courageous Leadership

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Creating a safe and supportive workplace culture

Creating a safe and supportive workplace culture

From the course: Courageous Leadership

Creating a safe and supportive workplace culture

Have you ever been in work where you made a mistake but didn't want to admit to the mistake? Why was that? Chances are you've seen how the manager or leader treated people who made mistakes, or you had a negative personal experience yourself. So you know how it feels, and you know that it can be detrimental to how well you work and the contribution you're willing to make. The same is true for the teams you lead and manage. If you're not intentional about creating an environment where people are able to feel safe, to own up to their mistakes, or offer new ideas, they won't perform as effectively as they might. Now, I'm not entirely convinced that we're able to create a space of absolute, unfettered safety where people will always feel free to share any idea, but I do believe that leaders can create safer spaces where their colleagues feel sufficiently respected and valued to share their perspectives. These leaders encourage courage at work by ironically reducing the need for courage…
