From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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What problem needs solving?

What problem needs solving?

- [Instructor] In order to do CICD well, it helps to first ask a simple question: What problem are we solving? Or to approach it from another perspective: What should we be optimizing for? So let's take a look at the big picture process of how software is developed. Whatever tools or methodology a team uses, you can usually map the work to what's called the Software Development Life Cycle, or SDLC. The SDLC consists of the following parts: Analysis, which is researching a problem or market and identifying a need. Design, which is the conceptual design of a solution to the problem. Then development is writing the actual code and creating related content like graphics. Deployment, also known as delivery, is getting the completed product to the end users. It could be anything from updating a web application backend to working with a publisher to get a package product into stores. Maintenance is the ongoing support of…
