From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Set up a project

Set up a project

- [Instructor] Let's take a minute to set up the GitLab project we'll be using for this course. I won't walk through the entire process of setting up GitLab or how to create an account on If you need help with that, check out my introductory GitLab course. There is one slightly confusing thing on at the moment that I do want to point out. From the main page, there's no obvious way to sign up for a free account. There's just a get free trial button. To get to the free account, click on Pricing, and the free option is here on the left, and you can click get started and that'll direct you to setting up a hosted account for free or to instructions for setting up a self-hosted GitLab. I'll be using a account for this course. So I recommend that you set that up if you want to follow along. Go ahead and pause the video if you need to do that now. After you set up your account, you should see a…
