From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Running your pipeline

Running your pipeline

- [Instructor] If you're following along in real time, your pipeline might still be running, but mine is completed now. So we can go ahead and click View pipeline. And you can do this even if it's still running. So this is the result of what a pipeline run looks like. And I got to this page by navigating from the commit, but you can also click on Pipelines in left hand menu. And then you want to click on this number here, which is below the title. If you click on the title, it'll take you to the commit. So you want to click on the pipeline run and that'll bring you back to this page. So each of the items here in the pipeline view is a result of the different sections in our config file. So if we click on build1, you can see the actual console output. It triggered Docker to download and run this busybox latest image. It did some other preparation. Then it checked out the code from our repository. Here, you can see it's…
