From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Releasing to prod

Releasing to prod

- [Instructor] We've gone through all the stages of deploying our code to QA and staging. So now we're ready to release to prod. So let's pretend that our QA team has run through some manual tests on staging. Although I mentioned that when those are automated, we can just add them as a new stage in the pipeline. This is where the real power of CI/CD can really shine because the actual prod deployment just requires clicking a button. So let's do that and watch this queue update. We can click into the job here and now that that's complete, let's go over to our prod deployment and we'll click on View deployment. This will take us to the live website. Now that we've seen what happens when everything goes right, let's take a look at what happens when things go wrong. We'll go back to the root of our project and let's start by making a new commit to our website, we're going to make a change to the document. Click Edit, and…
