From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Going deeper with pipelines

Going deeper with pipelines

- [Instructor] If you've used a CI system before, you might have noticed something about our example pipeline. There's no interaction between the stages. They're each running independently, and often that's all you need, but it's also pretty common to build something and then pass the artifact along to the next stage of the pipeline. So let's look at how you'd set up that behavior. To do this, we're going to need to edit our pipeline, and you can edit the file directly, or you can click here on the editor in the CI/CD menu. This will take you right into editing your YAML file. If you prefer, you can use the web IDE or use the simple editor. You can actually also edit this file on a command line editor and use Git to interact with the repository. This built-in editor has some nice features. For example, you can click a Visualize button here to see what your completed pipeline will look like. There's a Lint button, which…
