From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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First deployment pipeline

First deployment pipeline

- [Instructor] So now, our first deployment pipeline has run successfully. Let's check out the result. We can click on View pipeline and here we can click on the deploy_website job. You see that has worked successfully. If we go over to Deployments and select Environments, we can go to qa and click Open. And here's our website. So let's go back to our pipeline and make it a bit more environment aware. So we'll click on Editor. And let's scroll down to the deploy job. I'm going to copy this whole thing and paste it in and I'll change the name from deploy_website to deploy_qa. Now we'll need to add an environment tag here. So environment, and we'll set this one to qa. Now this is case sensitive. So be sure it matches what you set before. And actually for now we will delete this last section. And click Commit changes. Now we'll wait a minute for this to complete. Looks like it's almost done. So let's click on View…
