From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Creating a pipeline

Creating a pipeline

- GitLab has really streamlined the setup of CI features. To get started in our project, we go to the CI/CD menu on the left. The first time you open this, you'll be given a prompt to select a template. And for what we're doing here, let's just use the Bash template. So if you scroll down, right now it's the second one listed. I'll click use template. Let's dismiss this pop up here. Scroll back up. This template is just a YAML file. And this is how the pipelines are configured. One of the nice things about the way GitLab pipelines work is that it's a fairly readable file. So without really knowing anything about the configuration language, we can just look at the sections here and get some idea of what they do. And the names of the sections have sort of intuitive meanings as well. You can see build, test, test2, deploy. You can see build, test, test2, deploy. You get some sense of what is going to happen when this…
