From the course: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery with GitLab

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Complete CD pipeline

Complete CD pipeline

- [Instructor] We've got our QA environment automated and working. So let's move on to staging and prod. If we were going to use the Git flow branching strategy, we would create a new branch called release and add some rules under staging and prod for that. But let's make it a little bit simpler. Since we've got automated tests running for every commit to the main branch, we have some assurance that that code is safe to deploy. So instead of creating a new branch for releases, we can use a feature of Git called tags. You can see Tags right here. A tag is a bit like a branch, but it's meant to be more static. It's a way of assigning a name to a specific commit in the Git history. So let's create one to see how it works. You can go ahead and click on New tag under Tags here. And we'll call this one 1.0. We want to create it from main. We can add a message here and some release notes, but both of those are optional. So…
