From the course: Contact Center Leadership

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Understanding customer needs and expectations

Understanding customer needs and expectations

From the course: Contact Center Leadership

Understanding customer needs and expectations

- An essential part of contact center leadership is understanding what customers need and want. How are their needs and expectations changing though? Let's take a look here. So many things influence customer expectations, changes in the economy, in the customer's family or work situation, in the experiences they have with other organizations, all play a part, so we've got to continually revisit and reassess what is good service, what does that mean? For leaders, this can seem like a daunting challenge. Fortunately, it's not the guesswork that it might at first seem to be. The International Customer Management Institute, ICMI, has found that there are 10 expectations customers have of service interactions. They include, and in no specific order, be accessible. Treat me courteously. Be responsive to and anticipate what I need and want. Do what I ask promptly. Provide well-trained and informed employees. Tell me what to…
