From the course: Contact Center Leadership

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Leading virtual and hybrid teams

Leading virtual and hybrid teams

From the course: Contact Center Leadership

Leading virtual and hybrid teams

- Virtual and hybrid teams have become mainstream in many organizations, but in contact centers it's not just work from home that can separate members of a team. Multi-site environments, cross-functional teams, and 24/7 operations are common. If you're a contact center leader, it's very likely you have the responsibility to create results with team members who work at home, work in different locations, or don't work at the same time. Let's look at some important keys to success. Like leadership in general, there's no formulaic recipe for building a cohesive virtual team, but here are seven tried and true steps you can take to dramatically up your odds of success. First, a clear vision, well communicated and continually reinforced by you, is essential to engaging your employees and aligning objectives and driving action. If your organization's vision is uninspiring, change it if and when you can, but in the meantime it's…
