From the course: Contact Center Leadership

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Creating a culture of innovation

Creating a culture of innovation

From the course: Contact Center Leadership

Creating a culture of innovation

- An important part of contact center leadership is to ensure your organization is developing, growing, and staying ahead of customer and employee needs and expectations. That requires innovation. Now, most of the conversation around innovation is the end result, you know, the new ideas that move the ball down the field. What's less often discussed is the process for innovation. How do you get good at innovating? Let's take a look here. Your employees who are helping customers have amazing insight. I've sat alongside thousands of agents over the years and someone will say something like, you know, we could cut steps out of this process if we were able to automatically pull in the information from that screen and populate these fields, and I'll say, well, that sounds great to me, have you brought that up? No, I'm new here, or they might say, well, I think we have a quality team that works on that sort of thing. So…
