From the course: Contact Center Leadership

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Coaching for high performance

Coaching for high performance

- Strategic coaching is essential to employee engagement and the highest levels of performance. Let's take a look here. Now, tactical coaching is focused on specific skills or requirements. By strategic coaching, I mean coaching that's ongoing and focused on developing the whole person. Think of how athletes from grade school up to the pros describe their most influential coaches. You're probably thinking words like mentor or supporter, or maybe a phrase like, "Looks out for my best interest," or "Wants me to be the best I can be." Now think of an employee, and let's call her Ella, who works in a contact center. It's Friday morning and Ella's in a good frame of mind and looking forward to the day. She logs in and sees that her supervisor sent a meeting invite for Tuesday afternoon, coaching session. What's her initial reaction? Even as a solid performer with a good working relationship with her supervisor, she might be…
