From the course: Contact Center Leadership

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Building your team's engagement

Building your team's engagement

From the course: Contact Center Leadership

Building your team's engagement

- Research finds that organizations with the most engaged employees strongly outperform others. Financial performance is better, quality improves, customer loyalty goes up, and they lead in employee retention. I found without exception that if you look inside any successful contact center, you'll find a culture of honoring employees, encouraging their insight and engaging them every step of the way. Keep that in mind as you map out your priorities as a leader. Let's look at some specific steps that you can take here. Now, engagement's not the same thing as employee satisfaction. An employee can be satisfied with their job for various reasons. Geographical convenience or work from home, friendships they develop, compensation, or other factors, and they still might not be fully engaged. I define engagement as the enthusiasm and emotional commitment an employee has to the organization and the work they do. How do you…
