From the course: Construction Management: Managing Risk

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Managing scope

Managing scope

- Now that we've discussed the risk management process and I talked about a few examples, I want to continue by looking at some of the biggest risks that we manage in construction. To start, I want to take a look at managing our scope of work. Now, some of you may be wondering how managing scope fits into a class on risk management. Actually in construction, it's one of the biggest challenges and risks faced by a construction manager. We're constantly faced with changes to the construction drawings, unforeseen conditions that crop up as the project progresses, demands from owners, designers, inspectors and representatives from the municipality where the project is located. Sometimes changes to drawings are minor. Sometimes they're major, and sometimes they're due to defects in the construction drawings, while other times they're due to changes directed by the owner. All of this is is known in the project management world as scope creep and we deal with it constantly in the…
