From the course: Construction Management: Managing Risk

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Manage schedule risk with lean

Manage schedule risk with lean

- One of the hot topics in construction management continues to be Lean Productivity or Lean Construction. If you're not familiar with Lean and how the concept applies to the construction industry, I have a separate course on LinkedIn Learning that introduces and discusses those concepts. I think Lean does play into this conversation about risk management and the topic of empowering our frontline workers to make decisions that I discussed in the last video. Proper management of the schedule is one of the areas of risk we face in construction. Failure to complete the project on time can certainly have immediate consequences based on contract provisions and long-term consequences based on the company's reputation and their perceived ability to deliver when promised. Lean Construction is really about managing the throughput on a construction project to keep it flowing and to improve our ability to finish on time. One of the ways…
