From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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What is inside a computer?

What is inside a computer?

- [Instructor] When it comes to figuring out how capable your computer is, whether you're shopping around for a new computer or if you've received a hand-me-down computer for work or at home, you'll want to know three things first. How large is the hard drive, how much RAM is installed, and how fast is the processor? Now, a lot of people who aren't familiar with computers have trouble understanding these three terms and what they mean in terms of what the computer is capable of. Let's take a look at a simple analogy. This is a hard drive. Your computer's hard drive, sometimes also referred to as a hard disk, is the computer's storage device. Think of the hard drive as the filing cabinet where everything on your computer is stored, from programs, to documents, to videos. Basically, anything that's stored on your computer is stored on the hard drive. Now these are a RAM, or random access memory, modules. Most people…
