From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Understand computer ports

Understand computer ports

- [Instructor] Even though you can accomplish many common tasks with your PC, with just what comes in the box meaning the computer itself, the keyboard and the mouse, you're most likely need to attach and use peripheral devices such as printers, cameras, speakers, microphones, the list goes on and on. So in this chapter, we're going to look at how to set up and install common peripherals. But first in this movie, I want to make sure you're familiar with the common ports on PCs into which you'll be plugging your devices. By far, the most common port in use for computer peripherals is USB, short for a universal serial bus. All computers, Macs and PCs alike have some form of USB port. This particular port is referred to as a USB type A but you can just say USB. As you can see it's a flat rectangular port with what looks like a small plastic tab inside. Now, there's also a newer form of USB called USB-C. These ports started…
