From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Portable storage devices

Portable storage devices

- A common device you'll most likely use at some point or another is an external drive or storage device. An external drive can be a simple flash or thumb drive, like this one. These typically plug into your computer's USB port and you can currently get them in capacities from around two gigabytes up to two terabytes. For significantly more storage space, you'll have to go with an external hard drive like this one. These also connect to your PC via USB and they often require that you plug them into their own power outlets as well. Although you will find some models that are powered through the USB port. Using an external hard drive or thumb drive is simply a matter of plugging it into your PC. After a moment, you should see an alert appear that says click to determine what to do with removable drives. And I'll click that. Basically, Windows is asking what you want to do with the storage devices detected. Notice…
