From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Pairing with Bluetooth devices

Pairing with Bluetooth devices - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

Pairing with Bluetooth devices

- [Instructor] Many of today's PCs include a technology called Bluetooth. Bluetooth is a short range, wireless technology mostly used to reduce the use of wires. You're probably familiar with this technology in the form of Bluetooth headsets that many people use to talk on their mobile phones, but Bluetooth is also used for many other types of devices, including computer mice and keyboards. Especially if you regularly use a laptop PC, you'll probably want to consider purchasing and using an external mouse and possibly a keyboard. Of course, you can purchase wired versions of these devices that plug into your computer's USB ports, but for a little more money, you can eliminate the wires and use a Bluetooth mouse or keyboard. You'll probably find if you use a real mouse and keyboard for extended periods of time over the laptops built in track pad and keyboard. Even if your PC doesn't have Bluetooth included, you can buy…
