From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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How to set up your email application (client)

How to set up your email application (client) - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

How to set up your email application (client)

- [Instructor] There are two basic ways to access your email, either through your email provider's website, for example, you could go to in your web browser to access your Outlook email, or you can use one of several available email applications to download, read, write, and manage your email. Windows 10 has a built-in email application simply called Mail. If you use Microsoft Office, you'll also have access to Microsoft's professional-level email application, Outlook. Or alternately, you can use one of any number of third-party email applications. These email applications are referred to as email clients. And again, you can use these clients or access your email through a web browser or both. If you choose to go the web-based email route, there's very little you need to set up. Just go to your email service's website and log in with your username and password. This doesn't just apply to free email services…
