From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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How to conduct basic searches

How to conduct basic searches - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

How to conduct basic searches

- [Instructor] To perform a basic web search. You first have to visit a search engine through your web browser. As I previously mentioned, almost all web browsers these days have access to the most popular search engines like Google and Bing built directly in. For example, here in Microsoft edge the browser that comes built into Windows 10. I can just type my search terms into the address field here at the top to perform a Bing search or I could also just go to and perform my search here. If I wanted to use a different search engine I could click back up in the address bar again and maybe type to perform a Google search. The technical term for performing a search is a query. Basically, when you perform a query, you're asking the search engine to provide information relative to the word or phrases you searched for. Most people just call it Googling these days which shows…
