From the course: Computer Literacy for Windows 10

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Connect to wired networks

Connect to wired networks

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to look at how to connect your PC to your network via a wired ethernet connection. Now, this assumes that your network has already been set up in your home, office, or classroom. If you're connecting to your home network, you're most likely going to run an ethernet cable from your computer directly into your router. If you're connecting in an office or classroom environment, chances are you'll be running an ethernet cable from your computer into an ethernet port in the wall, or some other fixture, which in turn connects to your network. In any case, the important thing is that you have a cable running from whatever the source of your network connection is into the ethernet port on your PC. Pretty much all desktop PCs have built-in ethernet ports, though you're not seeing them as much on laptops these days as in the past. If your laptop doesn't have an ethernet connection, you'll…
