From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Using the course exercise files

Using the course exercise files

- [Narrator] Let's talk about the exercise files you'll need for this course. To get started with your project, you're going to need a few files that have been provided. They include your raw CSV file with housing data titled CourseDataset.csv, your python file titled Courseprojectpython.ipynb, your HTML file titled Courseprojecthtml. Now, this is an exact copy of your Python file and it's provided in case you prefer to follow along with the project outside of the Python environment. And finally, your Capstone project files titled Coursecapstone.html and Coursecapstone_solutions.html. Now, the Capstone file titled Coursecapstone.html contains various blanks that you are expected to fill in after you complete the course. While the Capstone file titled Coursecapstone_solutions, this is your Capstone project file in its completed state. All the blanks are filled in. You can use this file to compare to your own after you've…
