From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Unlocking the Secrets Behind Coefficients

Unlocking the Secrets Behind Coefficients

- [Instructor] Welcome back to your deep dive into the world of machine learning and regression analysis. Now that you've fortified your models through rigorous diagnostics and assumption testing, it's time to move toward a crucial aspect of regression analysis, interpreting the coefficients. Think of your regression model as a map of a skate park, with each coefficient marking a specific feature or obstacle. These coefficients tell you how changes in the features of the skate park, like ramp steepness or materials used, are expected to affect skater performance. Just like a skater gauges a ramp's angle to estimate the speed boost it will give, interpreting coefficients allows you to predict how changes in your predictors affect the outcome. Imagine you're evaluating the effect of ramp steepness on skater speed. A coefficient for ramp steepness tells you how much a skater's speed is expected to change with each additional degree of incline. This is like saying, for each degree we…
