From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Types of statistics

Types of statistics

- [Instructor] In the last video, you discovered what it means to have a statistical mindset. Now, in this video, you'll take a look at the two main types of statistics, descriptive and inferential. All right, let's start with the foundation, descriptive statistics. It's like the storyteller of data revealing the who, what, and where in a language we all understand. Did you know the roots of statistics stretch back to ancient civilizations? The Babylonians and Egyptians were the OG data collectors, jotting down everything from livestock numbers to yearly harvests. Talk about keeping records. Descriptive statistics isn't just about numbers, it's about making sense of data chaos. It's your tool to explore, understand, and make logical decisions from the data's story. We're talking averages, spreads, and shapes. It's like bringing order to the data party. Now let's talk about inferential statistics. Think of it as the…
