From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Summary statistics of the dataset

Summary statistics of the dataset

- [Instructor] Welcome back, Data Detectives. You've got your data, and now it's time to dive deeper to uncover some juicy details. Imagine this step as your detective work. You're looking at your dataset's fingerprints trying to understand its story. First, you load your data just like opening a book to read. Remember your dataset, it's like a treasure chest filled with information. Now, check this out. You are going to reveal the secrets hidden within your data. When you run this code, boom, you've got your summary statistics. It's like turning on a spotlight in the dark. But don't get overwhelmed by these numbers. I'll explain each one, starting with count. This tells us how many data points or rows we have for each column. It's like counting how many gems we found in our treasure chest. Mean or average, this is the average value of all the data points in a column. It's like finding the middle ground or balance…
