From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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SQL environment setup

SQL environment setup

- [Insructor] Okay, let's get you set up with SQL Lite on your machine. The first step to do is to navigate to SQLlite in your web browser. Once you're there, you'll want to click on the download option from the menu up top. I'm going to cover the installation for both Windows and Mac machines. I'm on a Mac, so I'll walk you through the entire way. For Windows, it's very straightforward, and I'll walk you through the install for this version as well. All right, starting with the Windows folks, you'll want to navigate to where it says Windows on the download page. Once you're there, select the standard installer for 64 bit Windows. This is most likely the version of Windows that you have if you purchased your machine recently, once you click on that file, it'll download A MSI file and you'll simply open that file and step through the options once you're presented with it. Now for the Mac folks, you want to…
