From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Removing multicollinearity by dropping the tax feature

Removing multicollinearity by dropping the tax feature

- [Narrator] Welcome back my data peeps. As you continue your linear regression journey, you've arrived at step 14, a pivotal moment in your model building process. Now, what's the goal of this step? Well, let's break it down. In previous steps, you dove into the concept of multi-collinearity where some of your variables were like inseparable best friends, always hanging out at the same parties. Now, multi-collinearity can be problematic for a linear regression model because it can make your model's predictions less reliable. So what's the solution? You're going to remove one of the culprits behind this issue, the property tax feature. By dropping it, you're aiming to enhance the trustworthiness and robustness of your model. But here's the question. How do we know if your plan worked? Well, that's where variance inflation factor or VIF comes into play again. If you recall from your previous step, VIF is like your…
