From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Project steps

Project steps

- [Instructor] Okay, you just took a look at your project goal. Now let's break down the steps you'll be taking to build your model. Step one, data preparation and exploration. To begin, you'll prepare your data, load it into your analysis tool, check the basic details, summarize the important numbers, and assess how the values are distributed. If needed, you'll make changes to the data to make it more manageable. Step two, data visualization and exploration. In this step, you'll use visual aids such as charts and graphs to help you understand the relationships between different variables. You'll investigate connections between variables like crime rates and distance to work, or highway access and property tax, and explore to find potential links between pairs of variables. Step three, data processing. At this step, you'll split the data into two parts, creating one for training and another for testing. You'll check to…
