From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Importing necessary libraries and dataset overview

Importing necessary libraries and dataset overview

- [Instructor] You are about to take your very first step into the world of predicting house prices, and you'll start from the very beginning. Before you do, let's talk again about the language being used, Python. As we mentioned, Python is like the language your computer understands. It's like your way of giving instructions to the machine. Think of it as talking to your computer in a special code. Now imagine your computer is a master chef, and Python is the chef's recipe book. To create your data dish, you need to open this recipe book and use some special recipes. They're stored in something called libraries. Libraries are like sections in the recipe book each containing different recipes. You're going to take a look at a few, pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and scikit learn. They're like your secret ingredients to make the magic happen. But what's a recipe without some ingredients, right? Our dataset is like…
