From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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From Predicting to Understanding

From Predicting to Understanding

- [Instructor] Welcome back to your exploration of machine learning, where you'll now pivot from evaluating and validating your models to deepening your understanding through regression analysis. Now, building on your foundation will peel back the layers of how elements like ramp slope and skater skill interact to influence performance, guided by principles of regression analysis. Imagine regression analysis as your toolkit for unveiling the hidden dynamics within the skate park. It allows you to scrutinize the relationship between various factors, such as the design of the park, the predictor variables, and the skater's performance, your outcome variable. At its core, the regression equation, why equal beta zero plus beta one times X plus E, equips you with a framework to predict your skater's performance. So let's break this formula down a bit more. Here, Y is this skater's performance. This is what you're trying to predict based on specific attributes, such as the steepness of the…
