From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Fine-Tuning Your Models

Fine-Tuning Your Models

- [Instructor] In the last video, you visited the bias variance trade-off, the importance of striking a balance, and some methods used to do so. In this video, you'll zero in on one of those methods, cross-validation. Cross-validation puts your models on a trial across different skate parks or data scenarios, testing their versatility and readiness beyond the home turf. It's your strategy for guaranteeing that your statistical tricks impress on any ground, reflecting how well they adapt to the broader world. Consider fine tuning your skate routine in your local park. But will those same tricks score high in unfamiliar territory? That's the challenge of unseen data. Cross-validation acts as a series of reality checks confirming your model can adapt and perform anywhere for any crowd. Now, there are different varieties of cross-validation, starting with K-fold cross-validation. Imagine segmenting your tour into K, or a fixed number of stops, with each venue offering a new test. It…
