From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Final capstone project solution walkthrough

Final capstone project solution walkthrough

- [Instructor] Welcome to the Capstone Solution video. Throughout this video, I'll guide you through various steps of building a linear regression model. I'll highlight some essential observations made during these steps, and remember, this video does not cover all 23 steps. It aims to clarify and assist in honing your own approach, and it also provides you with some valuable tips to consider. Let's dive on in. First, always start by importing the necessary libraries. It's crucial for data manipulation, visualization, and model building. Always ensure your workplace is clean and organized. As a tip, disabling the warning messages helps in keeping the output clean, ensuring that important information isn't lost amidst the warnings. Let's move on to Step number 2. In this step, we loaded the dataset and had a glance at the first few rows. Now it's essential, as it gives a sneak peek into the data you'll work with. As a…
