From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Final capstone project details

Final capstone project details

- [Instructor] Welcome to your Capstone project. Now, the objective of this project is to solidify and reinforce the concepts you've acquired throughout the course. This capstone deliberately revisits the linear regression project you completed earlier, allowing you to dive deeper into the various principles you've learned as you work through the project. Now, the primary method for achieving this is by providing you the opportunity to fill in the blank sections, following each step with your own observations drawn from the results of the code. Building a linear regression model can be a complex process, but it is the insights gained at each step that truly enhance your comprehension. Your task is to thoroughly examine each step, entering your own observations into the designated blank areas. Afterward, you can use the provided capstone solution file to compare your answers and further enhance your understanding.…
