From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 1

Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 1 - SQL Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

Creating the linear regression model and model summary: Part 1

- [Instructor] Welcome to step 15, where you create your linear regression model and dive deep into your model's performance. Now, everything that you've done before was preparation for the steps you're about to take. So we now waste no time. Let's get right to it. Here's the code that creates your model. You'll use the OLS method from the Python Statsmodel Library to perform linear regression. Now, let's break down this OLS regression results table, step by step. First, you have the dependent variable, which is the log-transformed home value, Home_Value_Log. This is what you're trying to predict. Next, you have the model, OLS, which stands for ordinary least squares. It's the linear regression method you're using. In the context of linear regression, OLS or ordinary least squares, is the fundamental method you use to build your predictive model. Think of it as the tried-and-true technique that helps you find…
