From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Checking the data info

Checking the data info

- [Instructor] What's up, data explorers? In your last step, you open your treasure chest of data. Now, let's shine a light on what's inside. Imagine your data set is like a book. And in this step, you're going to read the table of contents, basically getting to know what's in it. How do you do that in Python? With a simple command. You see this code, It's like asking the book for its table of contents. When you run this code, you get a bunch of information about your dataset. It's like reading the back cover of a book. You get a sneak peek of what's inside. Here are some key observations from this step. First, there are a total of 506 non null observations in each of the columns. This means, there are no missing values in the data. It's like having a complete puzzle with no missing pieces. Second, there are 13 columns in the dataset, and every single one of them is of numeric data type. So in a nutshell, your…
